Сегодня на Ставрополье прошла завершающая 2024 год регистрация заключения брака – в отделе ЗАГС по Буденновскому району создали семью Калашников Артём и Касымова Валерия
The main conceptual idea of the text is that a young couple from Zelenoikumsk, Artem Kalashnikov and Valeria Kasimova, were the last couple to get married in Stavropl in 2024.
Despite being in different cities due to Artem's military training, their love persevered, and he proposed to Valeria during a visit to Pyatigorsk. The article highlights their story as a heartwarming example of love triumphing over distance and emphasizing the joyous occasion of their union.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that a young couple from Zelenoikumsk, Artem Kalashnikov and Valeria Kasimova, were the last couple to get married in Stavropl in 2024. Despite being in different cities due to Artem's military training, their love persevered, and he proposed to Valeria during a visit to Pyatigorsk. The article highlights their story as a heartwarming example of love triumphing over distance and emphasizing the joyous occasion of their union.